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The 8 Commandments for a healthy Immune System

The 8 Commandments for a healthy Immune System

Written by: 4Life Research
Publication Date: October 2023

Have you ever thought: "I need the day to have more hours to complete everything I gotta do"?

The frenetic pace of our days is a challenge and almost impossible to stop: from work routine to personal life, there are too many tasks in between that, in the end of the day, exhaust us.

Let's think that our body has an armor. When the armor is in good conditions, it allows us to face all these tasks and have the energy needed to "battle" everyday.

But what happens if we do not take care of this armor? Stress, tensions and other factors can end up cracking this armor, putting on risk us to "win the battle". So that, we must pay attention to the care of our body from the insidout.

What is the Immune System?

Our immune system is a complex interactive network in our body. It consists of cells, tissues, organs and biological active mobile molecules (antibodies, immunoglobulins, etc.), which together protect the body against viruses, bacteria, fungi or “foreign substances”, ensuring our body’s optimal functioning.

The immune system is in charge of identifying these potential pathogens, neutralizing them to make them harmless, and finally eliminating them from the organism.

As soon as our body perceives a threat — whether external or even internal—, almost immediately we will feel that something is not working as it should. Thanks to all these functions, the immune system is able to recognize, react to, and remember the different threats.

8 Commandments for a healthy Immune System

Here are the "8 commandments" to help your immune system to be your best ally in everything you set out to do.

1. I get enough sleep

Sleep allows the immune system to do its work while the body is at rest. Lack of sleep can lead to more than just fatigue. It can also lead to a less effective immune system.

2. I consistently eat a nutritious diet

Consuming a high amount of fruits and vegetables is important, since these foods are generally rich in vitamins A, Folic Acid, Selenium and Zinc.

These four nutrients contribute to a normal immune system function.

3. I exercise

Exercise is key for a healthy immune system for many reasons. Not only does it keep you physically healthy, but it can also help reduce mental stress and even improve your quality of sleep.

Moderate exercise is a great way to support a normal immune system.

4. I dedicate time to total body recovery

Exercise is important, but resting after exercise is just as important.

Give your body time to recoup after strenuous exercise with a day off and avoid overtraining, since it may wear you and your immune system out.

5. I limit exposure to illness

It’s no secret that viruses are contagious. Avoid being in close contact with people who are ill or who have been exposed to an illness.

6. I practice nourishing supplementation

Sometimes it’s not easy to nourish your body solely from the food you eat.

A daily multivitamin or an immune system–support supplement can help you reach the daily requirements for vitamins specific to normal immune system function.

7. I minimize stress levels

Mental stress can have a biological effect on your immune system. Your physical reaction to stress can affect the normal functioning of your immune system.

Manage stress to support your immune system.

8. I get sufficient sun

Vitamin D is a key component for a high functioning immune system.

Want a good source? Look no further than your backyard!

Depending on the time of year, 5−30 minutes in the sun supports vitamin D synthesis. And during the months with fewer hours of sunshine you can supplement your diet with vitamin D.

Finally, don't forget that transfer factors are a great ally to complement this help and reinforce your healthy lifestyle.

What are transfer factors?

Transfer factors are found in mammal’s colostrum and egg yolk which reinforce general wellness.

One simple way to understand this is realizing that mother’s milk, apart from nutrients, contains a large amount of transfer factors which ensure the wellness of newborn babies.